LEO Web Protect Inc. is a privately-owned corporation operated by active and retired law enforcement officers. Our sole mission is to assist officers, deputies, judges, district attorney, public defenders and their families in removing their private information from the Internet.




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We collect information about you from numerous directories


We collect information about you from numerous directories

We remove your information in a 3 step process

  • Direct access to database systems
  • Sending emails to numerous websites
  • We will fax removal requests

We will never lick a stamp, nor will You

We rescan approx 14 days after to confirm the removals

We rescan approx 14 days after to confirm the removals

We monitor monthly to continually search for your information
to keep it out of the wrong hands.


My name is Mike Reynolds and I am a lieutenant with a local police department in Orange County. I am assigned as a watch commander, which requires me to review a large number of our department’s crime and arrest reports. I read with great regularity the ability of people to locate others through the use of computer data bases. It amazes me how much personal information is at people’s fingertips.
I am aware of three instances where members of my department have been targeted as the direct result of enforcement actions that they have completed. One such occurrence was when a patrol officer issued a citation to a female violator who was suffering from a mental imbalance. She used White Pages Dot Com in her attempt to locate his home address. She went to three residences looking for the officer. She told the people who answered the doors that she was looking to hurt him or his family. We were able to locate her and arrest her before she could locate his residence.
When I started in law enforcement the only mechanism to protect your private residence information from members of the public was to request confidential status of your California DMV information. At the same time the availability of personal information could only be obtained through a great deal leg work and through knowledgeable sources. That is no longer the case today.
The services of LEO WEB PROTECT allow law enforcement personnel to protect themselves and their families from people who will use readily available information systems to retaliate against them for doing their job. I signed up with LEO WEB Protect in February of this year. Within four weeks, I found that all of my families’ private information was unavailable on these systems. Two weeks later, Kevin Shaw sent me an update that some of my information reappeared on two of the systems and that he was in the process of having it removed again. LEO WEB PROTECT’s monitoring program has demonstrated its effectiveness in the very short time that I have subscribed to this service. I strongly recommend LEO WEB PROTECT to other law enforcement employees in order to get that peace of mind that your life away from work does not become part of your work.


Liutenant Mike Reynolds

Orange County Police Department

The Hemet Police Officers’ Association feels that protecting our members is one of our top priorities. With the advancement in today's technology we have found the amount of information on the internet and the risk that each and every officer faces due to the lack of security, troubling.

With safety being a top priority of our association we decided it was in our member’s best interest to have this information removed from the Internet as thoroughly and quickly as possible.

LEO Web Protect was brought to our attention and came with great recommendations. We contacted one of the representatives, Joe Wolfe, and he attended our board meetings and gave an informative presentation. Not only did he explain, but he also demonstrated how easy it was to find our officers’ and their loved ones on the Internet and how LEO Web Protect could safeguard our members in this area. He explained in detail how the Government Code allows officers and their loved ones to have their personal information removed from the internet and what LEO Web Protect does to remove this information and help to keep the information from being reposted.

Once his presentation was complete we determined Leo Web Protect was the best company for the removal of personal information from the Internet.

Joe was very helpful in getting our members signed up and then worked in a timely manner to provide us with the service. Several weeks after signing up several of our members, who had previously been involved in officer involved shootings, were informed by our administrative staff that their names would be released to the public and the media shortly after receiving a public records release request. I contacted Joe and gave him the names of these officers. Joe personally did an audit on the internet for those officers and their loved ones to ensure their home addresses had not been reposted on the internet. Those officers and the Hemet Police Officers’ Association are very grateful for the service provided by LEO Web Protect. The board and our members are very pleased with the service provided and look forward to continuing our relationship with LEO Web Protect.

I personally recommend that any association or department that wishes to provide their members with unparalleled Internet privacy to use LEO Web Protect.

Corporal Jamie Gonzalez


Hemet Police Officers’ Association

LEO Web Protect” is by far the most thorough and easy to use program on the market today. I was enrolled in another Web Protect Program for First Responders, but found numerous deficiencies and my information was discoverable on popular known web sites. LEO Web Protect rapidly cleaned the internet of my sensitive information and has kept it off. I highly recommended them to everyone in our office and neighboring offices. “LEO Web Protect”.....protects people who are sworn to protect others.


Leland Tang
Retired California Police Officer

My partner and I were involved an OIS that resulted in media coverage. This incident put us both in a situation where we were advised by command staff that the department was going to release our names to the media despite credible ongoing concerns about the safety of our families in regards to our personal information being readily available on the internet. One captain told me, "it's only gonna get worse from here, Sorry brother." This same captain tried to console me by talking about his war stories and how it's not a big deal that gang members would have a picture of my house with big red dot on a map showing where I live. Understand this: the department does not fund or actively assist its personnel in web security issues, period. You are on your own.

Luckily, there were some more empathetic individuals that listened to reason and bought me some precious time to seek help on eliminating my personal information from the internet. The clock was ticking and I had to act fast! I discovered and decided to use their services. They immediately went to work in helping with my time sensitive issue. Luckily, I was able to achieve this critical goal before our names went public. In retrospect, I could have saved myself a lot of stress and worry ahead of time had I utilized this valuable resource prior to a critical incident.

As we all have seen in recent news, criticism of police work (right or wrong, doesn't matter) is commonplace in today's sensationalized media and antipolice politics. The small amount of money invested in can add a vital layer of security from threats that most of us will never see but know most certainly exist. Like all aspects of police work, no single tool is the solution to every problem; however, we all know our work would be far more dangerous than it already is without certain tools (gun, Taser, radio etc.). When it comes to your personal security and protecting your loved ones, is one of those tools you absolutely should not ignore. Sign up now, stay ahead of the curve and be vigilant.


To Whom It May Concern:

We, the Fullerton Police Officers Association recently found ourselves in a highly publicized incident involving six of our officers. Because of the media coverage, the officer’s personal information was located on the internet by some of the media outlets and published.

We had to take action immediately to safeguard all our members from having their information published.

We contacted Kevin Shaw the owner of and asked him to take on the task of removing all of our member’s information from the internet.

Kevin has done a tremendous job and worked diligently to accomplish the goal of protecting our members.

He has stayed in constant communications with our Association and has been available day and night for us.

I recommend Kevin and his company to any other association that is considering protecting their members.

Barry Coffman-President.

Prior to having LEO Web Protect I ran my name on the internet and my personal information was posted everywhere (including my address, phone number, and birth date). I hired LEO Web Protect and a week later I ran my name on the internet again. ALL of my personal information was erased and it was no longer available for the general public. Thanks LEO Web Protect!

Officer Greg D. 

My wife and I are both extremely satisfied with our results. We felt like LEO Web Protect treated us like VIPs and did everything they promised they would. We started with page after page of information that was available on us, now - nothing. LEO Web Protect’s follow up was fantastic too; any questions or issues we raised were acknowledged right away and addressed quickly. 

We feel great about the whole experience and the price was fantastic.  I would have paid twice as much for this kind of service.

Thanks LEO Web Protect!

Mark P.
Reserve Officer

Recently, I responded to an incident in which a male suspect armed with a metal pipe was breaking windows and threatening employees of a fast food restaurant. The subsequent confrontation of the suspect resulted in a deadly use of force and the suspect expired at the scene. The incident was captured on an iPhone and displayed on You Tube. The individual recording the incident indicated that in less than 2 hours he would have my name and address of my residence.
The news media requested that my name be released and I became concerned that my personal information and place of residence would be revealed. I was not only concerned for my safety but the safety of my family.
I made contact with officers from LEO Web Protect and they acted immediately to remove my information from the internet. This action allowed me to have peace of mind and continue working without thinking of the safety of my family. To me, removing my identity from the internet was as important as any other tool I use in the performance of my duties. I thank LEO Web Protect and I recommend that other officers consider utilizing their service.

Officer E. R.
Monterey Park Police Department

LEO Web Protect provided me a five star service.  Within hours of submitting my application, LEO Web Protect had pulled up on the web several websites displaying all mine and my families’ personal information.  As promised and in a matter of days, LEO Web Protect had contacted every company to remove me and my family from their sites.   In less than a week, my entire family’s information was removed.  I highly recommend everyone in law enforcement use LEO Web Protect services. 

Lieutenant Pete C.

We, the Riverside Sheriffs'Association (RSA), have a great concern for the safety of our membership on and off duty. Our safety concerns are compounded by the numerous recent incidents wherein law enforcement officers across the Country have had their private
information compromised and published on the lnternet, followed by acts of violence.
The RSA sought a solution to increase the lnternet security of our members and their families
We selected LEO Web Protect as our service provider.
LEO Web Protect has done a tremendous job in the removal of our deputy sheriffs' private
information from the lnternet. They have been extremely responsive to our concerns, thorough, and etficient in their processes. To our delight, our members have literally vanished from the lnternet. LEO Web Protect's ability provide constant Web monitoring to remove the re-posting
of our members private information has given us added peace of mind.
The RSA strongly recommends LEO Web Protect to any law enforcement association wishing to provide their membership a trustworthy means of lnternet information removal, and the ability
to monitor the lnternet for increased security.

Robert Masson

President, Riverside Sherrifs' Association

Just as being proficient in your primary duty weapon, wearing body armor, carrying off-duty, carrying a back-up weapon, and always being cognizant of your surroundings, are all essential to Officer Safety and Survival, so too is remaining anonymous on the Internet. LEO Web Protect is the essential tool needed to successfully accomplish this objective. I use Leo Web Protect for my safety and for the safety of my family, and highly recommend their service for the safety of you and your family.

Sergeant Steven D.
Field Supervisor

Just writing in to say thank you. I am a customer and recently was involved in a national news story that included racial bias. This inclusion was because of misinformation and mistaken identity. Those harassing and slandering me online were attempting to find my home address as well as my personal number. Luckily I have not had any unwanted visitors or calls and I believe the protection offered by LEO web protect was the reason why. Thank you.

Kimberly E.